CHARITY: The Sequel
Residents thrilled as local car dealership steps up with solution to "cowtastrophe"
Charity: Perpetuation of Perfection, the controversial sculpture by renowned Canadian artist Ron Baird, has moved. An agreement was reached when Markham car dealer Eastside GMC intervened in the dispute with an offer that was accepted by both the developer Helen Roman-Barber who donated the sculpture to Cathedraltown and the residents who wanted the larger than life bovine on stilts gone.
The sculpture had been a point of contention with the residents since it was installed on a small parkette on Charity Crescent, Cathedraltown, in July 2017. They demanded its removal saying the cow was "intrusive" and dominated views in their quiet neighbourhood of 4,500 square foot big-box homes. "The cow is terrifyingly close" said one homeowner pointing up and adding "we simply have no place to hide". Another resident was quick to say his kids were so scared of the cow they couldn't sleep at night. "It even gives me anxiety, let alone a child". "We're concerned about our property values" chimed in another resident, who added "we just want this nightmare to end."

Charity, created by Canadian artist Ron Baird, at her original home in Cathedraltown
The timely agreement saw the $1.2 million stainless steel sculpture of the prize-winning dairy cow moved to the new Centre for Urban Agriculture Education and Innovation (formerly the Scarborough Town Centre megamall) where it has assumed a place of honour on reclaimed farmland adjacent to the recently opened vegetarian restaurant The Old Scott House on the northeast corner of the site.
Eastside GMC (who expects to benefit immensely from the publicity) has donated a brand new Chevrolet Suburban in 'Silver Ice Metallic' paint colour to the Cathedraltown community. The SUV, hoisted atop stilts to a lofty height of nine meters, has taken its own place of honour in the centre of the Charity Crescent parkette.
"We're able to sleep again without feeling like we're being watched by a giant cow" said one resident clearly happy with the new art installation. "It's a perfect fit."
As dusk approached sensors turned on the SUV's LED headlights casting a soothing cool white glow into the second-floor windows of the houses on Charity Crescent. Sweet dreams.

The new SUV sculpture in Cathedraltown
(To view the art that accompanies this story, click here.)
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